Friday, February 14, 2014

The Start of Something New

Today is day one of my pre-tirement protect of building a Glen-L Pee Wee. The project's inception occurred in the same way which most of my projects begin; I bough something I didn't need, and then found a use for it on something that cost way too much (and that I DEFINITELY didn't need). This happened a few years ago when I found a 3.5hp Tohatsu outboard on Craigslist for a price that I couldn't pass up. Now, the deal would have been great had I had a use for the engine. Soon after I made the deal, I was in my UMD door room bidding on a dinghy that I would put it on. A great deal that lead to me spending a whole lot of money.

At around 2 in the morning in early February with over two feet of snow on the ground, I was in my house lamenting the months I would have to wait before boating season. Here in Connecticut, we only have 4 or 5 months of boating before the boats get pulled, and because I went to college in Maryland, that window becomes only 2 months. As I pondered, my thoughts went toward the 6hp engine resting motionless in my garage. If only I had a small boat to put it on that I could use in the winter. 

A few Google searches later, I was scouring Glen-L's over 300 wooded boat plans. The company has loads of plans, from human powered canoes and kayaks, to tugboats, to houseboats. Given my near complete dearth of woodworking experience, my choice of boat was obvious; build the smallest outboard they had. 

The design is called the "Pee Wee." It's an 8 foot mini-runabout that can accept a 5hp short shaft outboard. I think it will be the perfect introduction to my debut in boat building. I ordered the plans, and should be getting them, along with the brass kit, on Tuesday. Looking forward to starting my pre-tirement life!

Hopefully the boat will turn out as well as this!

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